Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Oh you prisoner of society!

Tick Tock Tick Tock Tick Tock! "Is it 5 O'Clock YET?" she said to herself. Boy, it was such a draining day at work. She passed away time by listening to some music and responding to some mails & comments on *cough* facebook! 5pm eventually came and she grapped her coat, locked her office, said bye to the receptionist, escalated down numerous floors and zapped out of the office. It was pouring outside! Thank goodness for a huge purse that holds everything you can imagine :)))...come out you handy dandy umbrella. She bugun walking her regular quarter mile to the parking lot and could not help but notice this lady...dressed nicely, looked great but was seriously struggling to walk. She looked uneasy, she seemed unstable and uncomfortable; she was wearing 6 inch HEELS :)

My oh my. Who in the world invented heels and WHY? I did a little research and found that it started in the 17th century, mostly royalty and short people wore it. Women started wearing it for good posture and men wore it mainly when they rode horses to keep their feet from sliding off the stirrup iron. Sha Sha Sha it became a culture we call FASHION! Why do we love to wear something that causes back problems, foot aches and BUNIONS. Don't get it twisted I own several pairs but I only wear them where I know I'm going to sit :p. I love my flats, thank you very much! I just see loads of laydees suffering mentally, emotionally, physically and financially in the name of fashion!

Have you stopped to think why you do the things you do? Why especially us women go through such turmoil to look good. This has been in my head for awhile now and watching "Good Hair" stirred a lot of questions in my head. I mean we have truly become prisoners of society, prisoners of beauty!Regular people putting $1000 hair on layaway Nawaya! . Where is the hair from? India! From other peoples heads...eww...I may never buy a weave again LOL...(I'll just exhaust the ones I have...yeah)

Hair - Weave on point
Nails - Acrylic french tips Check
Make Up - Yeah, we got MAC in the bag
Clothes - Just got me a pair of designer clothes, shoes, best believe it

If you can afford it that's fine but don't break the bank ladies because it only brings you TEMPORARY satisfaction and joy...been there, done that...haven't shopped for months...doesn't tickle my fancy anymore and I feel as your spirit convicts you sha sha

Romans 12:2And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Don't get me wrong o, I love to look good! But when it becomes priority over the things that matter it's a problem. I know some people that never look normal, meaning you never see them without make up or dressed down - wear a t-shirt or something sometimes...e no go kill you.

If you cannot do without something because you feel you would not be accepted by the society, then you are a prisoner of society.

If you cannot leave your house without make-up, you are a prisoner of society

If you have to wear designer this and that (someone else's name to prove your identity...hellor) then you are prisoner of society

If you always have to get your nails done, eye brows waxeed, etc = Prisoner of Society

If you have to drive the latest this or that - POS

If you have to own the latest gadget - POS - can I have you BB Pin? Hmm LOL

If you have to acquire the fanciest house = POS

And so on... you name know what your addictions are...admit it to yourself! :)

I ain't perfect...I just wonder...and have been convicted to a certain extent...


Mucho D'Amour

Convicted Sister

PS - if you see any typos, hail me...your girl is too lazy to proof read :)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

All she intended to do was SLEEP! (One)

Whew! Felt like she was Gulliver Traveler's and out of planes, like an airhostess - simply exhausting. She loves babies but, man, not babies on planes; there were tenors, sopranos and alto's singing out of key like they were on the set of "Harmonization gone BAD" about "pounding a hammer on one's head". Thank goodness, final destination is today...she bids fairwell to her friend and heads to the security hauling a hand luggage that weighed heavier than she did. As she walks to the gate, all she could think of was her bed, her domain, her own space... :), amala and ogbona impatiently waiting to be swallowed hmmmm. She quickly rushes to the gate, it's almost 10 mins to departure....NOT! 1.5 hr delay! Great! Just great! Agitation, Irritation & Vexation sets in...Arrrrgh. " Ok, calm down!" she tells herself, "at least you have your ipod, phone and magazines to keep you occupied."

Alas, it's time to board! She throws everything in her luggage and zaps into the plane! "I am ready to sleep o" she tells herself. What a conundrum it was that she loved to travel, yet hated flying. You know the feeling you got when you first entered an elevator? Yup! That type of feeling stretched out about 2 hrs...VOMIT! Anyhow, she throws her luggage up with the help of someone yet again for the umpteenth time....:)

[SIDEBAR]most people on the plane seemed real nice for some odd reason, like they have the "we may be dying together and I wanna make heaven or paradise" mentality [END SIDEBAR]

She scurries off to her belt sign comes on...she buckles up! Time to sleep :)))...oh no! She forgot to remove her Ipod from her luggage! It just gets better!!! Man sitting next to her starts sparking conversation o_O! Dude, she already told you she wants to sleep! How could she resist and brush him off without being rude ehn? She had no "sweet escape"...she left everything up there and had no form of distraction :(. Guy starts talking about his family and what not, it doesn't help that he keeps burping every 5 seconds; smells like he'd just pour curry and garlic in his mouth from an Indian restaurant before jumping in the plane...VOMIT! She's trapped - Claustrophobia

Man: Where are you off to?
Lady: ________
Man: Really? Do you leave there? What part?
Lady: SE
Man: I live in the NE
Lady: Cool cool
Man: What is your name?
Lady: [SIDEBAR] Paranoia sets in! This is America honey...I'm not about to give you all my information [END SIDEBAR]. Abby is my name she says
Man: What is the full name?
Lady: [SIDEBAR] Chineke! Is this guy for real? I wanna sleep o[SIDEBAR] That's it!

To be continued

Friday, October 16, 2009

Incomprehensible Love

I was on your mind that day
When they crucified you
What did you think of me?
What did you see?

Did you see my disregard for the pain you suffered?
And if you did, how did you take the scars
Knowing that I'd break your heart?

It only makes sense when I look at it all from a lovers view
You did it all for a chance, just one chance, I'd be with you

Reconciled to you
Though you knew the world would not receive you
Still you gave your life to try
Even with our faults, even in our sins, you love us still

Now I know I can never repay you
But I'll dedicate my life to try
For it's no longer my own, you purchased me home
When you atoned for my sins, for my love with you

You did it for one chance I'd be with you - TY Bello
So here I am :)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Letter From Money...

Great majority taken from Joyce Meyer's teaching... plus some scattered thoughts ;)

If money could talk, what would it say? If money comes to your house one day to have a conversation with you, this is what it'll sound like:

"I'm sad and depressed because I'm tired of people abusing me. I'm tired of people using me for wrong purposes, fighting over me, lying, cheating and committing crimes to get me. I get blamed in some way for every divorce (causes 56% of Divorce in the US), I'm tired of fighting with greed all the time. People think I'm their security, but I'm not. People think I'm God, but I'm most certainly NOT! I just wish people could see the good they could do with me, then, they would be so blessed...

Money can cause nervous breakdown, crazy stress, unhappiness, depression, JEALOUSY,etc!

Philippians 4:12 - I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being CONTENT in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.

Everyone tries to "keep up with the Joneses" but in case you haven't noticed, the Joneses' are BROKE. Trust me, I've seen A LOT of them. Their cars, houses, clothes, etc are on CREDIT! Now why would I want to be jealous of DEBT? See, it doesn't matter HOW MUCH you's how well you MANAGE your income. Budget wisely to have enough left over for an emergency fund or savings. Don't live beyond your means to impress people because you will only hurt yourself. Self deception is the worst thing you can do to yourself!

Some money scriptures

Luke 16:11- So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches?

1 Timothy 6:7-10 ->For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that. People who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.

Ecclesiastes 5:10 - Whoever loves money never has money enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with his income. This too is meaningless.

Recommended Reads

1) Money came by the house the other day by Robert Katz
2) Financial Peace by Dave Ramsey

The thing that "irrrkkks" me the most is when I see people chasing "paper" and forgetting to live life and enjoy the simple things in life. "It's the journey, not the destination". Definitely follow your dreams and enjoy life :). God will help us!

This is a very BROAD topic - To be continued....

Monday, July 20, 2009


Hey blogger! It's been much going on...mainly good things but I'm a bit overwhelmed, that's all...But I thank God for everything going on in my life...

In spite of all the busyness...I feel blah blah blah....I need some fun...I think I may go to the zoo this weekend! Started doing big bro big sis. Met my little sister on saturday...she smiles A excited to show her some fun!!!!

yeah, I know I'm brian is so scattered right now...but there! Just felt like uploading something...Will return with something concrete soooooon!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

And I stayed away from the malls...

Somewhat scattered thoughts - wasn't in the mood to proofread :(

Wowzers! It's been awhile I updated... So much going on ... don't even know how to explain, but in all, GOD IS GOOD! So I was chatting with my boss this morning about clothes and I just noticed that I had stopped going to malls and boutiques...reason being = I'm an addict. As in, I can't just go into the store without buying anything... I get high when a get a good deal on the sales rack lol (and then I just wear it once and throw it to the side). When I go with my sister she tells me, hmmm Do you need it? Which helped me...but sometimes I would just go without her so I don't have to hear it and just get watever I WANT LOL (i know u reading this)

Why/When I shop

1) Because it makes me feel happy

2) When I think I have achieved something good, I spoil myself lol

3) When I'm sad

4) When I'm bored

5) When there is an unmatcheable deal...(this sales may never return again o)

6) When I get gift cards (I end up spensing over the gift card money :( )

7) When I go to get a gift for someone, I end up buying for myself too

8)When I hang out with friends

9)Just because

10) Just because

Hence, I came to the realisation that I was an addict in some type of in I have a lot of clothes that I can afford to wear a piece once a year!!! I can get away with laundry every 3-4mths...So I went to God and prayed about it (lol) freal...

Eventhough I do slip and fall once in awhile, God has been helping me...I do have about $80 worth of gift cards still to use but I really don't need anything right I'll resist the temptation so as not to overspend, till I URGENTLY need something.

Why was I shopping when I was sad...surely there must be something else I could have done like PRAY, talk to a good friend. Just like me, many of us are struggling with something, eg drinking, using drugs, clubbing (don't get me started on this topic lol), sex, etc. Let's go to our maker, the only one that can fix us, to get HELP.

I have been sober for about 2 months! I'm proud of myself :)...I am currently working on a new healthy less costly hobby!!!

What is your guilty pleasure? Is it healthy for your body, mind, soul or bank account? LOL

Stay blessed

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


The man who makes no mistakes does not usually make anything. - Edward John Phelps -

One of the smartest things you can do is to entertain the possibility that you may be mistaken. Because if you are mistaken, and you're able to see it, you have the opportunity for great progress.

There is no dishonor in being mistaken. Yet there is great folly indeed in being so stubborn that you refuse to admit your own mistakes. Mistakes can be powerful teachers. By knowing firsthand what does not work, you gain much greater understanding about what does work, and why.

If you're not willing to accept the possibility of mistakes, you're not going to make much headway. Though there's no need to purposely make mistakes, there's no reason to live in fear of them either.

Even if you are already effective, there likely are ways to be yet more effective. Even if your mistakes are not disastrous, there is still much that you can learn from them.

Embrace the fact that somehow, concerning something, you're probably mistaken. And in your mistakes, find the wisdom that will take your performance to an even higher level.

-- Ralph Marston

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Lessons Learned over the Weekend!!!

Oh my, this was a very interesting weekend for me. I experienced a lot that I hadn't before...Neways here are the lessons I learned over the weekend!!!

- Don't wait for people to have fun! You know what you like to do, so DO IT and don't let anybody steal your JOY :-)

- Networking and meeting new people can be beneficial to you as a person and your career. Don't get stuck with the same ol' people. Meeting new people is exciting...

- One needs space/quiet/alone time from time-to-time. It replenishes the soul and clears the mind.

- Always obey instructions! Be it biblical/technical or legal if not you could suffer the "not so very nice" consequences.

-Tell the truth always! There is nothing, absolutely nothing hidden under the sun, it will eventually come out!!!

-Take hard to do I tell ya! But it could be pretty rewarding!

- Do something you want to do but are terrified to do at the same time (RISK)

- Be grounded in your faith! And don't let peer pressure or anything shake you. Be a person of integrity.

- Don't be judgemental.

- Try to go to church every sundays and fellowship with other believers. There is nothing like being in HIS presence!

- Have the power to SAY NO!

-Don't be selfish. Put others before yourself sometimes lol.

- Hate the sin and not the sinner.

Ok...there are a lot more, so I'll be adding to the list as I remember.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Joy :D

Do you ever feel like you've been HOLDING BACK?
Like you haven't laughed as hard
as you know you can laugh
and run as hard
as you know you can run
and sung the true song of your soul?
With God everyday is new,
every moment a fresh chance
to be who you are fully meant to be.
Ssssoooo go ahead-
Immerse yourself in this sweet life.
Smile at babies :D
Sing out LOUD
GIVE with reckless abandon
Do something that scares you.
See the good in everyone you meet
Work really hard
Read a book you dont yet understand
Change the world even just a little
LOVE with your whole heart
Imagine the imposiblities
And pray like it's gonna happen
Lift your face to the sun and smile and the heavens...
And feel the warm glow of God smiling back.
"To God by the power at work within us is able to accomplish abundantly far more than all we can ask or imagine." Ephesians 3:20
From DaySpring

Friday, April 24, 2009

And...My Book Begins NOW

I remember when this song first came out...I would play it over and over again, and surprisingly NEVER got tired of it :)...Very inspiring song...FEEL the rain on YOUR skin, no one else can feel it for you...Enjoy :D

Sooooooooo, it was really beautiful outside and I decided to enjoy the weather. I couldn't go alone...or did not feel like it lol, and so I grabbed my little siblings to tag along. Funny experience. I had them run across the street/main road and one of them was like "Isn't J-Walking Illegal?"... J-What? I'm like, seriously? Y'all need to go back to Nigeria...I couldn't stop laughing. Although hesitant, I forced (bullied...ha) them to do it. It was fun, we did it twice LOL. Above is a picture of a little beast(little white dot in the middle of the pic lol) that barked like a rothweiler. Never knew something that huge could come out of that tiny fella. Maybe he was just mad at us for disturbing his peace :/.

Enjoy the nice weather this summer - free fun :)

Monday, April 20, 2009

Is IT really worth it????

Is it really worth it??????????????
My feelings exactly right now-what a way to start my week!

Is it worth my time
Is it worth the trouble
Is it worth my struggle

At times I just want to lash out
Scream and shout!
I just want to throw my hands in the air

But I can't act like that
Because that is what the devil wants
He wants to provoke me
He wants to see me mad
He wants to see me break

But thank God for wisdom
Because we are the ones people depend on
I'm not saying live your life for people
But just so you know, your life encourages another
Your strengths strengthens that girl/boy in the room,
Who is quietly watching you, admiring you
They love your passion, they love your fight
They love your compassion, they love your smile
They actually love a lot of things about you but just don't say it

So I ask myself again, is it really worth it???
Darn right it is!!! Every single bit of it :)

See how my feelings changed - writing is so therapeutic :)
Keep smiling because eveything is going to be alright!!! And that is a FACT I know
because Baba l'oke, my DADDY up there said so
God bless

Friday, April 10, 2009

No matter what, I'll trust You!

No matter what I'm going through
No matter what I'm feeling right now
No matter what people say about YOU
No matter how long I've raised my brow,
waiting for you to come thru
I'll trust YOU YOU YOU!!!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Resting Place

Isaiah 32:18 And my people shall dwell in a peaceable habitation, and in sure dwellings, and in quiet resting places.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

The heart of women n men

I am snowed in!!!!!!!!!!...ummm, not really, I just hate driving in the snow. We have a few inches of snow at the end of march; which is pretty wierd :-S. Soooo I decided to continue reading my book "Captivating" while listening to some soul ... it's a really interesting read so far (I'm on page 21 lol). Just wanted to share what it says about what men and women really want.

Heart of a woman
  • wants to be romanced
  • wants beauty to unveil
  • wants an irreplaceable role in a great adventure

Heart of a man

  • wants a battle to fight
  • wants adventure
  • wants a beauty to rescue-to offer strength on behalf of a woman

Very trueeeeee. Think about it..........ok, lemme continue :)

Here are some pics of the snow outside ma house

Brother's basketball hoop got knocked down earlier this week by the crazy wind!!! gotta love the midwest :/

Friday, March 27, 2009

Surround yourself with things and people that make you happy :-)

Life is too short! So live, laugh and love. Two weeks before my birthday, I decided to make a wish list of things I wanted and LOVED and surprisingly got some of them!!! As the word says "Ask and it shall be given unto you" abi?

One of the things I asked for which I absolutely love is the SOUL FOOD series (love african american movies/series) and I got the first season from a dear friend :))) so my girlfriends and I have been having some bonding time soul food sessions.

What makes you happy? Who makes you happy? - Keep yourselves close to them!!!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Thankful Today :-p

I am sooo thankful for so much today........

-I woke up this morning with a smile on my face
-I had the time to read before bed last night
-I have friends and family that love me :-)...I suck at keepin' in touch and so I just want to thank all my lovelies that keep in touch through txts calls emails y'all
-For Simple things is life :-)
-I have a FATHER who loves and supplies all my need (had a client in today that had nothing but $15 in his pocket, the dude used to earn over $2000)
-For protection, just turn on the news and see what is going on *shakes head*...I thank God
-For deliverance from street accidents (I was involved in 2 last year) so I thank baba God o :-)
-For the ability to get an education (even tho I am not feeling the whole thing right now lol)
-For the internet!!!!! weytin man go do without you LOL...I gave my laptop to someone dear because I think they'll need it more than I do right now...since then I have had tough nights, as I routinely sleep off watching my showsssssss (never know what u've got till it's gone I guess :))

There is soooooooo much more.......But I gtg...lunch was over 15 mins ago lol

I am Thankful For
Unknown Author

I AM Thankful:
















FOR THE crazy people I work with
BECAUSE they make work interesting and fun!


Live well, Laugh often, & Love with all of your heart!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Can you tell?

I'm in the mood for Disney inspirational songs... :-)

I will get there - Boy II Men

Go the distance - Michael Bolton

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Helmet Palava in Naija

Not been edited yet in case of grammatical errors LOL

I've been reading alot of blogs and also heard from friends that it is now compulsory to wear a helmet when you wan ride okada for Naija. I think the idea is GREAT but when it jeopardises ones health...then we have a problem NIGERIA!!!

Let's talk about head lice and all the diseases (both mental and physical)that could be transmitted by sharing these helmets now...Do the people have to carry headties/scarfs around to serve as a protection from the helmet lol.

Reading about this reminded me of my ONE AND ONLY OKADA/MOTORCYCLE experience. As an ajeborra...or watever you wanna call me - - - I CRIED. Yes, I cried!

It was a faithful day after one of my summer classes, myself and a bunch of friends decided to go chill at a friends place. She assured us that her driver will be around to take us home. Oya, na so we jump for moto...went to Mr. Biggs and then to her house...jisted...some sweet jist that I can still recall LOL...hmmm secondary skul days...chilled with some of the neighbors...I remember one was tryna toast

anyways...we basically lost track of time because before we realised it, it was 8 O'clock and driver left at 7p :'-(. Ewooooooo, weytin go happen??? Her house was in Barnawa, mine was in Malali (about 30-45 minutes away). My mom/ pops will have had my head if I called them saying "I need a ride."

Na who send me oooo. The other girls were like...tor, we need to hail bus...I'm like OMG, I can't believe this is happening LOL...the bus was alright...Time to mount friends had to get one for me, made sure I was secure...and waved bye bye to me. I looked back at them like I would never see them again.

I held the railings of the bike behind me sooo tight because I was NOT about to hold on to the dude!!! I shed a few tears at the beginning then snapped out of it and enjoyed the breeze ( My brother was an okada rider and used to jist us how exhilarating it was) I decided to embrace it LOL

I asked him to drop me about 5 blocks from my house so the mai guard (gate keeper)did not see me (major amebo/snitch). What an experience it was...I went to school the next day and told my friends was so proud of me, he gave me money - too funny!!!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Friday, March 20, 2009


Content: 1. Desiring no more than what one has; satisfied. 2. Ready to accept or acquiesce; willing

But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that. (1 Timothy 6:6-8)

The other night I attended a meeting at a fellow church member’s house. The hospitality was warm and inviting. The decor was lovely and from around the globe. The size … well, let’s just say you could fit my entire apartment in their living room and kitchen.

When this fruitful meeting was over, I drove back to my humble home, and felt plagued by a nagging sense of lack. This space that had seemed so secure and cozy and delightfully mine just hours before suddenly felt different. I knew it was silly and shallow, but I still felt a bit discontent.

And then I remembered the words of one of the students in an English as a Second Language class I’d volunteered with years earlier. When this refugee discovered I lived alone in a nearby apartment, he blurted, “You have an entire apartment all to yourself?”

I was humbled then. And I was again on remembering his words. I’m not a have-not; I’m a have, I told myself. My basic human needs are more than met. I’m blessed. I have every reason to be grateful.

And content.

But it’s hard to hang onto that perspective when you see others who have more. When you watch commercials that can make you feel incomplete without the latest toothpaste or SUV. When you lose a job and your notion of “enough” is challenged.

Thankfully, the Bible helps us right our perspective—with the 1 Timothy passage above, with Paul’s inspiring words about contentment in Philippians 4:12, with the reminder in Matthew 6:25-34 that life is about so much more than “stuff.”

Here are some other ways to cultivate contentment:

1. Read the passages listed in the paragraph above. Make a list of what you learn about the keys to and rewards of contentment.

2. For a reminder of all the ways you’ve been blessed, make a list of 50 things in your life for which you’re grateful.

3. When we’re content with what we have, we’re freed up to give to others. Clean out a drawer or a closet or your food pantry this week, gather items you don’t need, and give them to a local shelter.

4. Post the word contentment or one of the verses listed above in a place where you’re often tempted to feel discontent: on the dashboard of your older car, near your television or computer, in your closet.

5. Think of contentment-stealers in your life—such as television or fashion magazines—and choose to eliminate some of these things from your life.

6. Ask God to forgive you of any discontent that’s been plaguing you. And ask him to fill you instead with a contented and grateful heart.

7. If you’re dealing with serious lack in your life—losing a home, facing a serious health threat, mourning a loved one’s passing—ask a trusted Christian friend, a pastor, or a counselor to pray with you, walk with you, and help you find the peace that passes all understanding.

8. For more insights on contentment, read: “Living on Less—and Loving It” and “An Attitude of Gratitude.”

Share ways you cultivate contentment.

From :-)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Nawa o

I am so over my limit for text msging the mth :-(...and people keep texting me.

I got numerous numbers of the same disturbing texts today that say

"Do not go to any Walmart tonight. Gang initiation to shoot three women tonight. Not sure which Walmart and confirmed on local news."

What the heck? I don't understand why gang members and occultists have to involve innocent people in their crazy rituals. What about the women who have to work at Walmart tonight? Are they gonna have to send them home?

This is really is well! Poor Walmart will loose alot of money today.

I quickly called home to inform them as thurdays are our "banana days" LOL (discount on bananas)

We live in such a crazy world and it is only God that can help and protect us.

Rest in His bossoms :-)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

30 commandments to being the perfect wife for a nigerian man

If you have 5min to spare ….read this and have a laugh!!

P.s... i stole it from somewhere...TOO FUNNY :-D

1. Thou shall NOT be a LONG TINS BABE (you know what I mean?)

2. Thou shall not lack in boobs, yansh and hips. If you must, please lack only one and find a way to make up for it.

3. Thou shall NOT be a down to earth, real or ride or die chick. I.e all those ruff, rugged and raw "tell it as it is" girls, NOT WERKING.

4. Thou shall not have dew hair (All those afro/afro-kinky "soul" sisters… FORGET IT).

5. Thou shall not be a non-church goer. Ladies, for extra credit, be an usher, Sunday school aunty or PRAYER WARRIOR (This applies to other religious sects)

6. Thou shall not go to club to find husband... YOU GO JONZ!!

7. Thou shall not drink hard liquor or beers. Stick to 2 glasses of wine, IF YOU MUST DRINK ALCHOHOL

8. Thou shall not have un-manicured nails (It has to be French manicure acrylic nails).

9. Thou shall not have daddy issues (victims of divorced parents and dysfunctional families … keep it to yourselves).

10. Thou shall not go without makeup (i.e. caked foundation, studio fix but ensure that the make up has a natural look which is purple lip liner, pink lip gloss and chocolate/natural eye shadows)

11. Thou shall not lack culinary skills. Perfect the art of egusi, ogbono and all variations of rice. Home Economics is in order

12. Thou shall not be a "posh sturvs". Sushi or lasagne…uh ..Really?

13. Thou shall not knack ya head when you have a weave. Futhermore, on no account should you be caught scratching and flicking the condiments into thin air. That is simply DISGUSTING.

14. Thou shall not do any strange degrees, such as development, journalism or medical genetics. Ladies, stick to law, engineering, accounting, business or pharmacy.

15. Thou shall not have a sense of humour or try to even be funny (note: SARCASM IS A NO NO)

16. Ultimately, thou shall not go past a first degree, maybe masters (PHD IS AN ABORMINATION)

17. If thou must study a masters, please please, remember to dumb down when hanging with his friends.

18. Thou shall not disclose too much of yourself. You will seem needy

19. Thou SHALL NOT have a sex life or sexual imagination prior to meeting him. Let him "teach" you.

20. Thou shall not listen to anything other than r'n'b or hip hop (common is pushing it). All you World music and rock chicks, NOT HAPPENING MATE).

21. Thou shall NOT be an independent woman. (all those "I can pay my own bills" bullshit… Basically , LONG TINS). Refer to commandment one!

22. Thou shall not be opinionated or well informed (WARNING: This might come off as intimidating. Besides, no one likes a miss know it all).

23. Thou shall not go to any obscure University. Please stick to Kent, Leicester, Nottingham, and Reading. (WARNING- YOU WILL END UP ALONE).

24. Thou shall not be overly friendly. All those social butterflies and jovial. Personalities…BEWARE.

25. Thou shall not be anti-social when it comes to his family. You have to GET IN THERE FULLY.

26. Thou shall not explore any originality when it comes to fashion. Stick to T.M Lewin, Hawes&Curtis, pointies or kitten heels, and jeans – Abortion belt always puts the icing on the cake. To complete the look, don't be seen without your thick framed rectangular glasses (YOU SHOULD HAVE GONE TO SPECSAVERS).

27. Thou shall not hunt in packs (warning to girls with bossom bodies that cant be separated

28. Thou shall NOT be loud. Keep your voice to a minimum always

29. Thou shall not appear to be having too much fun on the dance floor. When it comes to dancing, keep it simple (Dutty winders and grinders, ITS NOT HAPPENING).

30. Thou shall not think about breaking this next commandment. The ULTIMATE, IF NOT YOU ARE FINISHED....It Will be an OYO STATE (on you own) FOR YOU FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE.....


Girls, we are all guilty of owning a hair net or 2. And we know that all the commandments before suggests that you must be a babe on POINT constantly.

You have to FIND A WAY TO WORK AROUND THIS HAIR NET ISSUES. Statistics dictates that one in two marriages FAIL due to this.


Thursday, March 5, 2009

Financial Spring Cleaning

It was 86 degress outside today :-)...I felt the sun on my skin and the breeze in my face...I really hope it stays this way...

For many Americans, the onset of spring and fresh air outside means spring cleaning inside. It's time to swap winter clothes for spring/summer ones and to get rid of the dust and clutter that's built up over the cold months. Spring also is a great time to put your finances in order and save money in the process. The National Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC) suggests the following tips for tidying up your finances.

Get to know your credit report better. Dedicate spring cleaning time as the annual time to review your credit report, which you can get for free at or by calling (877) 322-8228. A credit report contains information about your credit and loan history including amounts and payment history and is used extensively by potential lenders to evaluate your credit worthiness. Read each report carefully as there may be discrepancies between the three credit bureaus. Also, check for negative information such as civil judgments, tax liens or Chapter 7 and 13 bankruptcies. If you find errors, file a dispute with the credit bureau.

Clean up bad credit. Fixing bad credit is about getting back on track by paying bills on time and budgeting and using credit wisely. At the first sign of a late or missed payment inform creditors of your present situation and how you plan to resolve your financial problems. If you have a good payment history, you may be able to negotiate your next payment. Pay down the credit cards and loans with the highest interest rates first. If you can't pay off your monthly credit card balance in full, at least resolve to pay more than the minimum while you work off the debt.

Throw away old paperwork. You can shred ATM receipts and bank deposits after appearing on bank statements. Pay stubs also can be shredded after matching them with your year-end statement. In fact, properly disposing of these can help prevent identity theft. You don't need to keep your utility statements if you've already paid them. After checking to make sure your credit card statement is accurate and you have paid the bill, you can shred your credit card statements. To prevent identity theft when tossing out paperwork at home, the NFCC recommends using a paper shredder, available at your local office supply store. You also can check with your local bank to see if they offer free shredding throughout the year.

Go paperless. One additional way to cut down on the paperwork is to opt for electronic bills to be sent to your password-protected email. Decreasing the number of bills sent to your home also can help fight identity theft. Identity theft is the nation's fastest growing crime with about 19 people becoming a new victim every minute, according to the Identity Theft Resource Center. Make sure to keep your passwords safe and your online bill payment method secure. Contact the following if you think your identity has been stolen: Equifax 1-800-685-1111, Experian 1-800-397-3742, TransUnion 1-800-888-4213 and FTC 1-877-438-4338.

Consolidate the clutter. Not knowing where anything is can result in multiple purchases of the same items. Keeping a place for everything and putting everything in its place can save you time and money in the future. Harris Interactive, the 12th largest and fastestgrowing market research firm in the world, found that 23 percent of adults say they pay bills late - and thus incur fees - because they lose the bills. In addition to substantial late fees, misplacing bills could potentially lower your credit score.

Decrease the plastic in your wallet. Limit the number of credit cards you own and carry. Use just one card if you can - the fewer you have, the easier it is to remember your balance and keep track of total purchases. If you're unsure which credit cards to cancel, carefully read your monthly statements to check out the annual fee, the interest rate you'll pay and any charges for overdue payments or going over your credit limit.

Ask an expert. If you don't know where to start or you're not sure what to keep or toss, consider contacting an NFCC member agency. From financial education to debt management services, NFCC's nonprofit agencies have certified credit counselors who offer low-cost and free financial educational information, money and credit management advice and debt reduction services.

Check out for more information.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Still Waters

It's like I woke up from the wrong side of the bed today :-(
Negative thoughts in my head, grouchy, feeling of defeat
And to top it all up, someone said something at work that upset me
It's been so long I felt this way...

But I'm not gonna let all this steal my joy or get me down now...when I have always set the LORD before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken (Ps 16:8)

Something prompted me to read Psalm 23, which calmed me down and relaxed my spirit. I immediately started smiling reassured that God is control and is always with me :-).

Psalm 23

The Lord is my Shepherd, I lack nothing.
He makes me lie down in green patures,
he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul.
He guides me along the right paths for his name's sake.
Even though I walk through the darkest valley,
I will fear no evil, for you are with me;
your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

Keep the faith!!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Each Day I Choose

By Max Lucado

It's quiet. It's early. My coffee is hot. The sky is still black. The world is still asleep. The day is coming.

In a few moments, the day will arrive. It will roar down the track with the rising of the sun. The stillness of the dawn will be exchanged for the noise of the day. The calm of solitude will be replaced by the pounding of the human race. The refuge of the early morning will be invaded by decisions to be made and deadlines to be met.

For the next twelve hours I will be exposed to the day's demands. It is now I must make a choice. Because of Calvary, I'm free to choose. And so I choose.


No occasion justifies hatred;
no injustice warrants bitterness. I choose love.
Today I will love God and what God loves.


I will invite my God to be the God of circumstance.
I will refuse the temptation to be cynical…
the tool of the lazy thinker. I will refuse to see
people as anything less than human beings,
created by God. I will refuse to see any problem as
anything less than an opportunity to see God.


I will live forgiven. I will forgive so that I may live.


I will overlook the inconveniences of the world.
Instead of cursing the one who takes my place, I'll
invite him to do so. Rather than complain that the
wait is too long, I will thank God for a moment
to pray. Instead of clenching my fist at new
assignments, I will face them with joy and courage.


I will be kind to the poor, for they are alone.
I will be kind to the rich, for they are afraid. And kind to
the unkind, for such is how God has treated me.


I will go without a dollar
before I take a dishonest one. I will be overlooked
before I will boast. I will confess before I will
accuse. I choose goodness.


Today I will keep my promises.
My debtors will not regret their trust. My associates
will not question my word. My wife will not
question my love. And my children will never fear
that their father will not come home.


Nothing is won by force. I choose to be gentle.
If I raise my voice, may it be only in praise.
If I clench my fist, may it only be in prayer.
If I make a demand, may it only be of myself.


I am a spiritual being…
After this body is dead, my spirit will soar.
I refuse to let what will rot rule the eternal.
I choose self-control. I will be drunk only by joy.
I will be impassioned only by my faith.
I will be influenced only by God.
I will be taught only by Christ.
I choose self-control.

Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,
faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
To these I commit my day.
If I succeed, I will give thanks.
If I fail, I will seek His grace.
And then, when this day is done,
I will place my head on my pillow
and rest.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Naija Ladies and Flowers

A friend sent this to me. It's a pretty funny and informative watch! Same people in different locations = different views. Enjoy

He satisfies you

Sorry guys it's been awhile I updated...had so much on my plate but it is well. I took this from my daily email devotional from Joel Osteen.

Today's Scripture

"They shall not be put to shame in the time of evil; and in the days of famine they shall be satisfied" (Psalm 37:19, AMP).

The spirit is strong o. I was reading Psalm 37 on friday, my pastor stressed that we should read it on Sunday and here it is again today...I need to really study this because I think God is trying to show me something there. Amen

Today's Word from Joel and Victoria

Are you expecting to have a supernatural year? Are you expecting increase and abundance? Notice this verse tells us that the righteous, those who follow God's commands, will be satisfied even in times of famine. Even when it looks like resources are slim, God has a plan to provide for His people. The scripture also tells us that God is looking for people who will be faithful to Him; people who will trust Him, people who will believe that He is the God of more than enough!

God always shows Himself strong on behalf of the people who seek Him first-even during the most difficult times. No matter what you may be facing today, God wants to show Himself strong for you. He wants to make a way where there seems to be no way. He wants to satisfy you and bless you abundantly so that you can reach out and be a blessing to the people around you. Take a step of faith today and begin to declare His promises over your life. Declare that He is the One who satisfies you all the days of your life.

A Prayer for Today

Father in heaven, thank You for Your faithfulness. You alone can satisfy me. Search my heart today and remove any doubt or uncertainty that would try to hold me back from the wonderful blessings You have in store for me. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

God Bless You :-)

Monday, February 2, 2009

Using Your Gifts Part 1

From Michelle McKinney Hammond's book
"The Sassy Girls Checklist"

Proverbs 31:17-18: She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks. She sees that her trading is profitable, and her lamp does not go out at night

I have said countless times: Attitude is everything. What does that mean when it comes to the way we approach our work? It's simple. If we love what we are doing, we will do it in excellence. If we don't, we will not put forth the effort to be and to do our best. I've been guilty of this myself. I confess that when I no longer liked my job it manifested in ways that were not profitable to the company I worked for or myself. For instance I was constantly late. Why? Because I wasn't looking forward to being there. Every distraction was a welcome one when I was getting ready in the morning. My service was poor because I didn't care; I didn't care about the customer or my boss or the company I worked for. And believe me, my attitude showed. It showed so much that I was eventually fired!!! My lack of interest led me to not paying attention and missing important details that eventually landed me in a heap of trouble when I botched a project badly. It ended up coating our client a lot of money to redo it properly. The fallout was embarrassing.

Not only was my job affected , my physical well being as well. to counter y boredom during the day I got caught up in a cycle of distractions after work that went late into the night. So you know what happened right? I was too tired to get up the next morning to go to work. I suffered from fatigue on top of my boredom and bad attitude. Well after awhile not only did my work suffer, my health did too. one feeds the other. bad health and poor focus equals even worse attitude and sloppy work. Get the picture?

If truly we are doing our work as unto the Lord, we prepare ourselves to be excellent everyday by taking care of ourselves physically and emotionally. be honest with yourself. Should you be doing the work you are doing or should you find something that your gifts complement and you personally enjoy? Then make sure you get the rest and exercise you need, along with a proper diet, so that you function at peak performance. It's not about how you feel and look at work. Remember that you represent God. And for that reason alone you should always put your best well as your best work...forward.

This was a really interesting read for me. It seemed like she was talking about my life...I pray that God gives us courage to take a BOLD step in the direction of our dreams in line with the talent He has given us, be it sewing, painting, writing, designing,etc...

Questions for you

  • How do you apply yourself to your work? Are you up to your tasks?
  • What is your attitude towards customer service?
  • What elements contribute to you being physically exhausted? How does exhaustion affect your work?How do you operate when you are at your physical peak?
  • If you were an employer, what would you want and expect from your workers?Are you delivering what you would want?
  • What do you need to do to be a worker who brings honor to God and blessings t others?

My reflection - Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap > Galatians 6:7

I need to get my act right at work and stop surfing the web too much lol...because I don't want my future workers to be slacking off like'll be ugly...time to repent and change your ways SM...God help me and you reading this at work!!! lol

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Morning Music!

Getting six hours of sleep everyday is not enough but I really don't have a choice with my crazy schedule :S and so I have started listening to UPBEAT music in the morining to pump me up for my day. Here is something that slaps the weariness out of me LOL

God Bless You :-)

Monday, January 26, 2009

I Just Can't

"Excuses are nails used to build the house of failure" Don Wilder

It's habitual for us to make excuses in all areas of our lives.When we think about doing something, we always have an excuse to escape the hard work (I do that a lot). Excuses hinder us from pursuing our dreams (the only one you are hurting is you).

"I am still young"
"I have time"
"I'm still a student"
"Who will help me"
"I'm not smart enough"
"I don't have the money"
"I don't have the time"
"I will fail"

As we make excuses, the clock keeps ticking and our dreams drift away. We just become creatures of habit, going with the flow; wherever the wind blows.

I don't know about you but, this year, I am going to take chances, pursue the dreams I had as a child and LIVE FOR THEM.

A return to love - marianne williamson

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant,gorgeous, talented, fabulous?Actually, who are you not to be?You are a child of God.Your playing small does not serve the world.There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.We are all meant to shine, as children do.We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone.And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.As we are liberated from our own fear,our presence automatically liberates others.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Let Go

I'm :( at my PC typing this, it erased my previous post and I have to rewrite and remember everything I said before.
Forgive and Forget
That is what we say
Easier said than done
You remember the incident
You picture the person
Or even worse, see the person
And the old feeling of anger, revenge and repulsion
surge back in
"To Forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you" Unknown
As we learn to "Forgive, I pray God will help us develop the excellent spirit He wants us to have!

Forgiveness by Paul Gordon and John Caird

You mustn't be revengeful
You have to be strong
To offer good for evil
Return right for wrong
We must not hold a grudge
And we must learn to endure
Then as God is your judge
At least your heart will be pure

Forgiveness is the mightiest sword
Of those you hate
Will be your highest reward

When they bruise you with words
When they make you feel small
When it's hardest to bear
You must do nothing at all

Forgiveness is the simplest vow
Of all their crimes
Is your deliverance now

Bless those souls
Who would curse your name
When the last bell tolls
You'll be free of blame

You can continue to grieve
But know the gospel is true
You must forgive those who lie
And bless them that curse you

Forgiveness is the mightiest sword
Of those you fear
Will be your highest reward

The time will come when we will leave this world, and the injustice and
the pain and the sin will fall away from us, and only the spark of the
spirit will remain--returning to God who created it.

You must never lose Faith
You must never lose Heart
God will restore your trust
And I know you're afraid
I'm as scared as you are
But willing to be brave
Brave enough for love.

Get It Together - India.Arie

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

My Shoes

I woke up one day and I realised that there were many things

about my life I was not satisfied with or better still, there

were challenges that were threatening my soul.

And I said to myself, "Why should anyone envy me and want

to be in my shoes." They don't know how far I've come, they

don't know what lies ahead of me, and neither do they know

how dissatisfied I get with myself from time to time.

People don't know the troubles that you've had or the price

you had to pay to get where you are. All they want to know

is that they wish they were like you.

Why should you wish you were in some other persons shoes when you

hardly know how they fit?

When you've worn your shoes for a while, they take the shape

of your feet and align to the way you walk. If you were to

wear my shoes, you will not be comfortable in them.

So I stopped wishing that I am in someone else shoes because

it might not fit; rather I thank God for my shoes, because


I have learnt to be the best in what I do, and I know no-one

can replace me anywhere and in any sphere.

I am an original, my God is not in the cloning business.

He make originals!
Song- A day in your life by Chrisette Michele. This was the best version I could find :-(...very good song!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Taking Time

This has been one of the most stressful two weeks of my life!!! Mental drainage, frustration, deadlines everyday... you name it. It's finally OVER and so I'm taking serious time off to relax...I am NOT thinking about anything this weekend that's for sure LOL...Body no be firewood!

Some of the things you can do to relieve z stress...

1) Sleep

2)Listen to soothin' moosik with candles lit up - bubble bath

3)Go out for a walk

4)Find a quite place, free from people that make you angry or complain

5)Read a book

6)Do some ativities you enjoy eg. draw, paint etc

7)Watch a good movie

8)Don't be afraid to say NO


10)And lots more...fill in the blank

Hope you take time once in a while this year to relax from your busy schedules. It is essential for our health :-). Signing off withhhhhh Ledisi's "Take Time "

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Friday, January 9, 2009

False Authority!

What a day! What a day this has been already...

Woke up a lil late this morning because I was up late studying for an exam, which wasn't good coz I had to rush out of the house as fast as I could this morning b4 I missed the test. Got in the parking lot of school and saw a car with flashing blue and red lights cruising behind me - their first prey for the morning I presume. Yup! you guessed right it was the popo, olopa, POLICE!!! :-(

Me thinking "Should I cry? Should I beg? Gosh I'm late for my exams chance to relax sef *hiss*. But WAIT a minute, I don't recall running any lights, I signaled, did not go above the speed limit ??? I mean, what the heck @*&^%$! Ok be calm W"

I just chilled, turned off my upbeat/wake up in the morning music...(thanking God I had all my documents in the car lol...)...there was not only one but two cops approaching me from both sides of my car, touch their gun and all, how dreadful---was a bit scared oh...hmm

Police: Do you know you just ran a red light
Me: No...didn't see it...kinda rushing for an exam...(trying to be as calm and polite as I could be before they taze me)
Police: You did run one at McA and bla bla bla
Me: hmmm...really?
Police: Can I see your ID
Me: OK...gave him
Police: Insurance
Me: sure...gave him
Police: School ID
Me: Are you seriously kidding me...this man is pushing it!!!- gave him

Went to do some verification and all and came back saying - we are gonna give you a warning this time...but be careful next time...thanks for your corporation and its good you had your seat belt on least that saved me the time of going to dispute whatever tichet there were wrongly tryna give me.

Now I'm 20 mins late thinking....OK I've gotten stopped b4 but only one cop came he must have doing some training or something...bottom line is I DID NOT RUN THE RED LIGHT...gosh...must have been the scapegoat for the morning but thank God all went well.

What I'm trying to say is that authorities are not always right even though they are suppose to be knowledgeable about some certain things.

I'll liken it with.....

your parents, teachers, police, elder ones, boss, pastor,husband or wife etc may be right SOME of the time and Your the only one that can back yourself up in some certain areas

(2 Timothy 2:15 KJV) Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

A teacher gives lectures but you have to do more studying on your own...if not you go fail

A parent raises you, it's left to you to decide what is good or bad with the Lord's guidance

A pastor leads you in the path of righteousness, it's left for you to work out your own salvation!!!

OK I'm done with my ramblings today ...... :-)

Yay!!! TGIF

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Process of Change

I just had a talk with one of my friends that I better take note of... I was talking to her about creating a system for getting organized. She responded to me with, "You don't GET organized, you GROW organized."

Often we talk about wanting to GET organized, or GET fit. If only we could GET to these places, everything would be better...but that's not the way it works.

We GROW. Change happens through a process, not instantly. One small step at a time adds up to become a big step. When we are consistent in making the small steps, we can one day look at where we've come and recognize that we're organized, or fit, or...

God will help us all

What pieces in your life do you you wish different? how will you begin to grow into better you?

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

God is real!!!

One day a man went to a barbershop to have his hair cut and his beard trimmed. As the barber began to work, they began to have a good conversation. They talked about so many things and various subjects.
When they eventually touched on the subject of God, the barber said:
'I don't believe that God exists.'

'Why do you say that?' asked the customer. 'Well, you just have to go out in the street to realize that God exist. Tell me, if God exists,would there be so many sick people? Would there be abandoned children?

If God existed, there would be neither suffering nor pain. I can't imagine a loving God who would allow all of these things.' The customer thought for a moment, but didn't respond because he didn't want to start an argument.

The barber finished his job and the customer left the shop. Just after he left the barbershop, he saw a man in the street with long, stringy, dirty hair and an untrimmed beard. He looked dirty and unkept. The customer turned back and entered the barber shop again and he said to the barber: 'You know what? Barbers do not exist. 'How can you say that?' asked the surprised barber. 'I am here, and I am a barber. And I just worked on you!' 'No!' the customer exclaimed. 'Barbers don't exist because if they did, there would be no people with dirty long hair and untrimmed beards, like that man outside.'

'Ah, but barbers DO exist! That's what happens when people do not come to me.' 'Exactly!' affirmed the customer. 'That's the point! God, too, DOES exist! That's what happens when people do not go to Him and don't look to Him for help. That's why there's so much pain and suffering in the world.'

God is real India Arie

Sweetest honey to the brightest flower the largest plant
Into the smallest atom, snow flakes in the bird kingdom,
Smaller than the eye can see,
Bigger than the mind can concieve. (oh)
Heard a man on the radio today,
Must confess I disagreed with what he had to say.

How can he not believe that God is real,
I don't understand how he could feel that way. When
There's earth air water and fire.
So many different flowers, sunshine and rainshower,
So many differnt crystals and hills and volcanos.

That's how I know that God is real
(all of this is not by chance)
That's how I know that God is real
(all of this is not by chance)
That's how I know that God is real
(I know this is not by chance)
That's how I know that God is real
That's how I know that God is real.

In Saint Lucia, I jumped in the water.
For the first time I understood its power.
As I swam, I was cleansed.
If I had any doubts, this experience cleared them.

Now I know for sure that God is real.
I know that it's the truth by the way it feels (uh-huh)
Cause I saw starfish and sponges,
Fish and black trumpets,
So many different colors I stayed
Out there for hours and I only saw a fraction of a fraction,
Of the deep of the deep,
Of the great blue wide.
It Brought a tear to my eye.

We're made of the same stuff as the moon and stars.
The ocean's salt water just like my tears are.
You feel me the sun rises and sets everyday without fail

That's how I know that God is real
(all of this is not by chance),
That's how I know that God is real
(all of this is not by chance),
That's how I know that God is real
(all of this is not by chance),
That's how I know that God is real

Earth, air, water, and fire
Earth, air, water, and fire
Earth, air, water, and fire
That's how i know that God is real