Saturday, March 28, 2009

The heart of women n men

I am snowed in!!!!!!!!!!...ummm, not really, I just hate driving in the snow. We have a few inches of snow at the end of march; which is pretty wierd :-S. Soooo I decided to continue reading my book "Captivating" while listening to some soul ... it's a really interesting read so far (I'm on page 21 lol). Just wanted to share what it says about what men and women really want.

Heart of a woman
  • wants to be romanced
  • wants beauty to unveil
  • wants an irreplaceable role in a great adventure

Heart of a man

  • wants a battle to fight
  • wants adventure
  • wants a beauty to rescue-to offer strength on behalf of a woman

Very trueeeeee. Think about it..........ok, lemme continue :)

Here are some pics of the snow outside ma house

Brother's basketball hoop got knocked down earlier this week by the crazy wind!!! gotta love the midwest :/

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