Thursday, March 19, 2009

Nawa o

I am so over my limit for text msging the mth :-(...and people keep texting me.

I got numerous numbers of the same disturbing texts today that say

"Do not go to any Walmart tonight. Gang initiation to shoot three women tonight. Not sure which Walmart and confirmed on local news."

What the heck? I don't understand why gang members and occultists have to involve innocent people in their crazy rituals. What about the women who have to work at Walmart tonight? Are they gonna have to send them home?

This is really is well! Poor Walmart will loose alot of money today.

I quickly called home to inform them as thurdays are our "banana days" LOL (discount on bananas)

We live in such a crazy world and it is only God that can help and protect us.

Rest in His bossoms :-)

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