Friday, May 8, 2009

Joy :D

Do you ever feel like you've been HOLDING BACK?
Like you haven't laughed as hard
as you know you can laugh
and run as hard
as you know you can run
and sung the true song of your soul?
With God everyday is new,
every moment a fresh chance
to be who you are fully meant to be.
Ssssoooo go ahead-
Immerse yourself in this sweet life.
Smile at babies :D
Sing out LOUD
GIVE with reckless abandon
Do something that scares you.
See the good in everyone you meet
Work really hard
Read a book you dont yet understand
Change the world even just a little
LOVE with your whole heart
Imagine the imposiblities
And pray like it's gonna happen
Lift your face to the sun and smile and the heavens...
And feel the warm glow of God smiling back.
"To God by the power at work within us is able to accomplish abundantly far more than all we can ask or imagine." Ephesians 3:20
From DaySpring

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow, that was good! I think that's the problem. We need to have child like faith/hope.
