Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Naija Ladies and Flowers

A friend sent this to me. It's a pretty funny and informative watch! Same people in different locations = different views. Enjoy


  1. YAY!! fiiiirrrrrrrrrsssstt!!!!
    Okay, i'm soo ahppy you posted this.It was just the dose of laughter i needed.
    I liked the lady that said:"flowers? abeg fashi dat tin" LOL

    I actually like the idea of flowers.It has become a symbol of love and affection but I guess guys should really be giving flowers with something else: a gift and a card.
    For guys, it can be real chaos trying to decide what gift to buy for a girl and i guess this is where a bouquet of flowers comes in handy: 'cos its a simple gift.

    Then again, flowers is very european i.e "na jand sturvs be dat" and it is supported by the weather but in naija within few hours the hot sun would dry it up.So it tends not to be appreciated.

    Bottom line: the thought counts over what the present is.

  2. LOL...about the lady that said "abeg fashi" I had to rewind and hear it again because I did not hear it well lol...funny!!!

    I'm happy it made you happy :-).

    O ok...that's very true o, they would last long there.

    I agree that it is the thought the counts if it's just a normal day (that would be too sweet sef) but if it's valentines day, unless he is dead broke and we both know that, he better get additional sturvs lol.

    Have a blessed one

  3. Thanks for stopping by my page, the video was so funny. Naija chicks are crazy.lol.lol
