Wednesday, January 21, 2009

My Shoes

I woke up one day and I realised that there were many things

about my life I was not satisfied with or better still, there

were challenges that were threatening my soul.

And I said to myself, "Why should anyone envy me and want

to be in my shoes." They don't know how far I've come, they

don't know what lies ahead of me, and neither do they know

how dissatisfied I get with myself from time to time.

People don't know the troubles that you've had or the price

you had to pay to get where you are. All they want to know

is that they wish they were like you.

Why should you wish you were in some other persons shoes when you

hardly know how they fit?

When you've worn your shoes for a while, they take the shape

of your feet and align to the way you walk. If you were to

wear my shoes, you will not be comfortable in them.

So I stopped wishing that I am in someone else shoes because

it might not fit; rather I thank God for my shoes, because


I have learnt to be the best in what I do, and I know no-one

can replace me anywhere and in any sphere.

I am an original, my God is not in the cloning business.

He make originals!
Song- A day in your life by Chrisette Michele. This was the best version I could find :-(...very good song!


  1. wow..3 blogs..and one exclusive..pls invite me

    i love the shoe picture...and i am feeling this post so on point.


  2. seriously. we shouldnt wish we were others or want to be in their shoes. but, eh, i want my feet in that shoe o, where is the other leg.

    and like aloted, invite me

  3. @ Aloted - hahahaha! Thanks :-)

    @ Uzezi-freal everyone should get comfortable in their own skin! God will help us...thanks for stoppong by :-)

    You guys are funny o...I dey give una Soul Food to chop na Beautiful Laydee you wan see...LOL. I will open it in due time :-)

  4. Yeah our God is one of originals.Definately will come here to be fed.thanks for dropping by my blog.

  5. Thanks for your comment and coming by my blog. Love the analogy with the shoes. Love the shoes as well

  6. nice post! i'm loving those shoes by the way.
    ...this is true talk..y do people want to be in someone wlese shoes when those shoes don't fit?...I wonder.
    But you're original and God definitely doesn't do clones!
    Thanx for stopping by my blog.God bless.

  7. @ Telekinesys- He sure is! Thanks for stopping by :-)

    @Beleiver - You are welcome and Thanks right back at you :-)

    @ The poets voice - We are all uniquely beautifully made. Thanks for stopping by :-D
