After reviewing the GRANDe lists my siblings sent for what they want for Xmas. I decided to just give them cash! That way, I stick to my budget and that could help fund whatever they want. What I've realised is that when I go out shopping I spend more than I need to either by buying more stuff for them or including myself in the list LOL. I always go all out during Christmas and celebrations but this year will be low key. In fact, I was going to do the whole black friday but decided against it this morning. I checked out the ads and no store has what I need at a :reasonable price: for me. I need a blender (will just watch out for sales during the yr), toaster (Target will have for $3 yay!) and vacuum cleaner (will continue using my broom- hey, it works :p).
Things I'm thinking about reducing in my budget as of NOW are travelling and getting my hair done (I'll learn to take care of it myself HOPEfully) Ohhhhhhh, and definitely dining out. I have the urge for Shawarma today but I'll surpress it because I have the power to LOL. I have alot of food in the house I can cook for real. I've also cut out movies - I do redbox from time to time. Most of the time, I usually get a free code *wink*. I've also cut out shopping. I really don't need any more clothes, shoes or accessories. Hello simple living. What do you think you can cut back to meet your financial goals? Think about it and make up your mind to stick with it :)
Happy Holidays :)