Oh my, this was a very interesting weekend for me. I experienced a lot that I hadn't before...Neways here are the lessons I learned over the weekend!!!
- Don't wait for people to have fun! You know what you like to do, so DO IT and don't let anybody steal your JOY :-)
- Networking and meeting new people can be beneficial to you as a person and your career. Don't get stuck with the same ol' people. Meeting new people is exciting...
- One needs space/quiet/alone time from time-to-time. It replenishes the soul and clears the mind.
- Always obey instructions! Be it biblical/technical or legal if not you could suffer the "not so very nice" consequences.
-Tell the truth always! There is nothing, absolutely nothing hidden under the sun, it will eventually come out!!!
-Take risks...so hard to do I tell ya! But it could be pretty rewarding!
- Do something you want to do but are terrified to do at the same time (RISK)
- Be grounded in your faith! And don't let peer pressure or anything shake you. Be a person of integrity.
- Don't be judgemental.
- Try to go to church every sundays and fellowship with other believers. There is nothing like being in HIS presence!
- Have the power to SAY NO!
-Don't be selfish. Put others before yourself sometimes lol.
- Hate the sin and not the sinner.
Ok...there are a lot more, so I'll be adding to the list as I remember.