Is it really worth it??????????????
My feelings exactly right now-what a way to start my week!
Is it worth my time
Is it worth the trouble
Is it worth my struggle
At times I just want to lash out
Scream and shout!
I just want to throw my hands in the air
But I can't act like that
Because that is what the devil wants
He wants to provoke me
He wants to see me mad
He wants to see me break
But thank God for wisdom
Because we are the ones people depend on
I'm not saying live your life for people
But just so you know, your life encourages another
Your strengths strengthens that girl/boy in the room,
Who is quietly watching you, admiring you
They love your passion, they love your fight
They love your compassion, they love your smile
They actually love a lot of things about you but just don't say it
So I ask myself again, is it really worth it???
Darn right it is!!! Every single bit of it :)
See how my feelings changed - writing is so therapeutic :)
Keep smiling because eveything is going to be alright!!! And that is a FACT I know
because Baba l'oke, my DADDY up there said so
God bless